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  Enchained Dragon

  Copyright © 2015, L.L. Brooks

  Published by Dark Hollows Press

  About the Book You Have Purchased

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  Enchained Dragon

  Copyright © 2015 L.L. Brooks

  ISBN 10: 1942176821

  ISBN 13: 978-1-942176-82-4

  Author: L.L. Brooks

  Editor: Elysia Rhodes

  Publication Date: June 2015

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2015 by Dark Hollows Press

  Cover design by 3 Rusted Spoons

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Witness Recovery and Inter-dimensional Tactical Hunters

  There is a world just beyond our own. A world where Fairies and Demons rule, where Fae and Paranormal creatures exist in a dimension parallel to our world.

  It is the Vargr Realm.

  The Vargr have known about our world for thousands of years and have, in the past, crossed dimensions to prey on it. In recent centuries, however, the Vargr Ruling Council has tried to put a stop to it. Humans have become more technologically savvy and some human scientists have even come close to cracking the barriers that exist between the realms. But there are those who disobey the law…

  The Vargr are attracted to humans. Some like to eat humans. Some come to have sex with us. Some travel to our world to obtain items that are common on Earth, but priceless on Vargr. A special Vargr task force has been established to retrieve those of the Vargr Realm who travel between the dimensions unlawfully and to neutralize any human witnesses who come in contact with these travelers.

  The Vargr Ruling Council has contacted the governments of our world and they have agreed to cooperate in order to protect human citizens. But there is a war brewing in the Vargr Realm…

  As a civil war begins to brew in the Vargr Realm, the agents of WRAITH find themselves caught in the crossfire. Can the agents—human and Vargr—find the common ground needed to see that the order between the world is preserved?

  Chapter One

  The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.


  “Let me get this straight; you’re from another place?”

  “Dimension,” Emory corrected.

  “Oh, yeah, and you’re a fairy—”

  “Elf,” he corrected again, irritation sounding in his voice. “Do you mock me?”

  Jason scoffed. Emory might well be the best looking hunk of sex on two feet Jason had seen or hooked up with in a long time—maybe ever—but he was turning out to be a bit weird. Hell, a lot weird, enough so that all six feet of the other man’s toned body, his face out of a dream, and voice that caressed with every word weren’t going to keep Jason in the motel room.

  “You could say that,” Jason answered. “You’re either looney tunes or into some kind of role playing shit I’ve got no use for.”

  Starting for the door, Jason blinked at how fast Emory shot in front of him and blocked his path.

  “Get out of my way.”

  Emory’s hand dropped. Even though Jason intended to back off or step away or whatever to avoid the hand aimed at his crotch, the message to his muscles never left his brain. The hand connected, stilling the effort. Emory’s palm pressed against Jason’s cock, and the fingers tap danced on his balls. His brain kept saying ‘move—get away from him; he’s crazy’, but Jason’s fucking cock dragged his hips forward wanting more. He wasn’t too sure his balls didn’t dance around inside his sack, and that voice whispering in his ear sent chills up and down his spine even if Jason couldn’t understand a single word.

  With his arms hanging limp, Jason’s hips moved, rubbing against the palm in cadence with the words the voice murmured. While his brain still said get away, his legs and arms didn’t respond even when Emory’s free hand worked Jason’s pants down off his hips. When the hell did he open the snap and zipper? Something weird was going on, and even though his cock was hard as a rock, his hips rocked, and he panted, Jason’s mind still screamed get the hell out of here.

  “Say you want me,” the melodious voice ordered. “Say you want me to fuck you.”

  Fighting not to obey, Jason’s tongue twisted, gagging him. Panic had a hold of him, building rapidly. Everything was escalating—his breathing, his heartbeat, the humping rate of his hips, and he feared his head would explode.

  Not understanding what was happening to him, the only thing clear to Jason was some instinct warning him not to agree. What the hell was wrong with him? He always enjoyed a good fucking, top or bottom. Emory’s looks were just a cherry on top of one delicious sexual sundae. So why did relief wash over him when another voice, sharp and commanding, cut through Emory’s mesmerizing words?

  Jason didn’t understand those words, either. He didn’t need to. Turning his head to see who spoke was enough. Holy shit! It was a fucking elf!

  * * * *

  Jason came to, embarrassed beyond reason over fainting like a little girl and literally being caught with his pants down. Shoving back with his feet until his shoulders and head met the wall, he threw out an arm to hold away the guy kneeling beside him. “Stay away from me.”

  “If I meant you any harm, it would already be done.”

  Yeah, Jason had to agree to that. He’d really made a bad showing for himself. Fainting first, and then, shit, his head was pounding. Hitching his pants up over his butt, he pushed back until he was sitting against the wall and crossed his ankles. Whether he actually achieved the causal look he was going for, he couldn’t tell. Damned hard to do when his cock and balls were near to exploding and hurt like hell. The fact his cock was sticking straight up in the air only added to his embarrassment. In no way could he even close his pants.

  The hunking newcomer, as dark as Emory had been fair, didn’t look anything like Jason thought when he first saw him. The enchanting good looks—especially what Jason had thought were pointed ears—and the glow about him were gone. The guy was rough looking, like a quarterback or maybe a lightweight wrestler. He was similar enough to Jason’s own build and color that it was almost like looking in a mirror. He sure as hell didn’t look like any elf.

  “I’m from WRAITH and stopped Estacrewban from seducing you.”

  Covering his face with both hands, Jason groaned. Okay, craziness wasn’t over. Someone must have slipped some kind of drug into his drink at the bar. Emory! Damn him. “Let me guess, you’re a fairy, too.”


  “Yeah, right, elf.” Laughing, he asked, “Are you a fairy elf, too?”

  “Estacrewban is not a fairy elf. There are no fairy elves. Even the few of mixed heritage are not called such.”

/>   “I meant gay.”

  “Most times I am reasonably happy, though it is doubtful the same can be said for Estacrewban.”

  Assuming this guy meant Emory, Jason rolled his eyes. He couldn’t help it. “Anyone ever tell you that you talk funny?”

  “This is my first visit to your dimension. I have yet to feel completely comfortable in your language. I must ask, did you partake in an exchange of bodily fluids before I arrived?”

  “Do you mean did we fuck?”

  “I refer to intercourse or oral gratification. I am aware of the meaning of the term you used and also that it is offensive to some and therefore did not use it.”

  “Fuck or blow job.” Jason gave up on appearing causal. He fucking hurt and drew up his legs, hugging his knees to his chest.

  Sitting back on his heels, the guy commented, “Obviously neither offends you.”

  “Fucking A neither fucking offends me.”

  “I was under the impression that extension use of the word in verb, noun, adverb, and adjective forms indicated a restricted vocabulary.”

  Not hurting too much to not be offended, Jason snapped, “I’m not really in the mood for small talk and don’t like being called stupid?”

  “Oh, no that was not my intention. I was simply making an observation.”

  At his limit, Jason told him, “Go away.” He needed desperately to do something to relieve his hard-on.

  “I cannot. You failed to respond in answer to my question. I shall rephrase it more to your understanding. Did you allow Estacrewban to fuck you or did you blow job him?”

  Appearances be damned. Jason rolled to his side, his hand to his crotch, pushing his pants open. Clutching himself didn’t help. “Go away.”

  “I have already said I cannot. As Estacrewban chose you, even though interrupted, he will return. We cannot allow him to proceed against our laws.”

  Groaning, Jason told him again, “Go the fuck away. I’ve got to do something for this hard-on.”


  “Not with you fucking watching me!”

  “I find your behavior confusing. You have come to this rented room with a stranger to participate in sex yet you show reluctance to—”

  “Shut the fuck up and get out of here!”

  “You are most difficult.”

  “Yeah, and you’re—what the-stop it!”

  Handling Jason’s two hundred twenty pounds as easily as a sack of feathers, the guy wedged an arm under his legs and turned him to his back. An arm like a bar of steel pressed Jason’s knees down to his shoulders, holding tight against Jason’s squirms until the guy’s free hand slipped between Jason’s legs and encircled his aching cock. Jason’s brain may have screamed get the hell off of me, but his cock jerked in welcome and not a word went out of his mouth. His crazy hips humped, fucking the guy’s hand. He didn’t have any control over his own body and no longer had to be held down. Twisting, his legs hooked over a total stranger’s shoulders for more leverage. His heart raced, matching his panting breaths, and he could have sworn fire ran through his veins.

  “You are under the influence of Estacrewban’s spell. I will assist you in breaking free with ejaculation.”

  Jason’s body shuddering when a thumb rubbed the pre-cum leaking from his tortured cock. “Fuck.”

  “As I have explained I cannot. There has as yet not been the time to appraise you—”

  “Shut up!”

  Contorting himself, Jason pushed at the hand encircling his cock, trying to take hold of himself to do he didn’t know what. His arms flew out when the hand around his cock tightened.

  “More,” he panted. “Harder…something…oh, God, I’m going to die.”

  The legs hooked over his shoulders were all the man needed to shift up on his knees, lifting Jason’s ass higher. The hand around his cock pumped harder and faster. His other hand cupped and then squeezed Jason’s balls. Fingers played with Jason, circled and pressed at his asshole. A fingernail found and dug into the slit of his cock. Jason was aware of all of that, with the vague question in the depths of his mind as to just how many fingers the guy had, but he couldn’t fucking see anything more than a red haze, and his head as well as his balls were going to explode if something didn’t happen soon.

  “Fuck me…I have to come…fuck me!”

  In answer to Jason’s plea, something shot into his ass, stretching, filling, and hurting until he sobbed. Despite it all, every muscle in his body strained to do one thing, drive whatever it was deeper, stretching and filling him more, stroking his prostate, begging for release. When it came, when cum spurted from his cock to his chin, Jason fainted yet again.

  * * * *

  Even more embarrassed than when he woke the first time, Jason at least knew where he was. His climax—in no fucking way normal—had wrung him out, leaving him too weak to even want to move. He had to get up, clean up, and get the hell out of that motel room no matter how much his traitorous body wanted to sleep. Emory had to have slipped something into his drink, and it had taken him on one hell of a bad trip. He thought maybe he should call the police. But then he’d have to tell them what a fool he’d been to get into the situation in the first place. Better to keep his mouth shut than admit to the world what a stupid ass he’d been.

  Struggling to get his pants up over his bare ass and sit up, Jason’s mind raced. At least once they’d finished with him, they left him alone, and his head pain was down to a dull throb. Wait a minute. Was there ever anyone there but Emory? Did his drugged mind just conjure up a rescuer? A rescuer for what? He left the bar with Emory with one objective—to get fucked. The whole drug thing wasn’t necessary. If they’d wanted a three way, he could have done that. No, no three way. The second guy chased Emory off—maybe. The whole thing was so screwed up in his head, he wasn’t sure what happened except he had gotten fucked by someone, if not something. Without preparation or lube, the ache in his ass testified to that much. If he wasn’t well broken in to taking it up the ass, he’d be a hell of a lot worse off, too.

  Rolling to his hands and knees, Jason crawled toward the bed. The room was paid for. He might as well use it to rest for the remainder of the night. Head down, eyes closed, he concentrated all his energy into moving a few inches at a time until his head bumped into something several feet short of the bed. Looking up, he recoiled and fell to his side.


  “I have attempted to explain to you on several occasions that I cannot until—”

  Jason tried to shout. The sound came out more like a groan while he floundered around to get up. “I wasn’t asking you to.”

  “Ah, you were again using the word for an exclamation of…” The other man cocked his head to the side. “…fear perhaps?”

  A man never admitted to fear, right? Jason sure as hell wasn’t going to.

  “Did I hurt you?” the guy asked. “Is that why you fear me? If so, I apologize. My attempt to measure and control my strength may have been insufficient. It was my first occasion to—what do you call it?—finger fuck a human.”

  “Oh shit,” Jason said with a full-fledged groan. He had only thought the hallucinations were over, but then he laughed. What the hell? He’d better laugh, or he’d go crazy for sure. “I don’t feel like it was a finger up my ass.”


  The elf held his hand up with the tips of all four fingers and his thumb pressed together to form a wedge. That Jason could believe. With the size of the man’s hand, a baseball bat wouldn’t have been that wide. “At least you’re learning how to talk. I mean if I’m going to hallucinate, I may as well control my creations.”

  “You do not hallucinate.”

  “No—don’t!” Jason shoved back with his feet when the guy bent and scooped him up. “Ah, hell, why not?”

  Jason discovered being put to bed, stripped naked, and washed clean wasn’t a bad experience. He was drowsy enough to even doze off during the w
arm strokes of a wet wash cloth down his chest and belly. He woke up when it reached his crotch. The action wasn’t meant to be sensual, but his cock responded anyway, twitching and growing.

  “Look at me, into my eyes,” the guy ordered, holding Jason’s face between his hands. “The effects of Estacrewban’s spell still linger. Breaking free of the spell required a great deal of energy. You are too exhausted for more sex. You must rest.”

  “I know. Tell that to my cock.”

  “You must resist the urge.”

  “You could fuck me.”

  With a sigh, the guy repeated, “I cannot until—”

  “Yeah, yeah, blah, blah. So explain it to me.”

  “You are in no condition to rationally comprehend.” His thumbs stroked Jason’s brows. “You will sleep now.”

  Damned if he didn’t.

  * * * *

  A soft murmur in a variety of different voices invaded Jason’s weird dreams. He opened his eyes, observed four figures sitting around the small table in the corner and groaned. Two weren’t human, that much he could be sure of, not with pointed ears on one and little horns sticking out of the forehead of another. Squeezing his eyes shut, Jason concentrated on willing the hallucination away.

  “Silence,” a voice ordered.

  “What is it?”

  “The human is awake.”

  “Now is as good a time as any to instruct him in what is happening to him.”

  “Ha, if he manages to keep from fainting.”

  “Asshole,” Jason murmured, sliding one eye open to see if his vision was still wacky. Not a horn or strange glowing creature remained. The one guy—his rescuer?—he remembered from before. The other three were all new.

  While two others watched and the fourth-geek now without horns-worked on a laptop, one spoke, looking like he might have a poker up his ass. “I am Commander Sheels. We are members of the Witness Recovery and Inter-dimensional Tactical Hunters, WRAITH, the enforcement arm of the World Protection and Detection Agency or WPDA. Our mission is to locate any who cross illegally through a blood gate, return them to Vargr, and neutralize any humans who have come in contract with them.”